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12.10.05 - 12:08 a.m.

Terriblest Decorations

There is 8 inches of snow outside. I don't call it Snoshoe for nothin'. My cat is whining for food (as usual) but I wanted to write a few things. At this website you can type in your name and get a slogan. It is kind of funny

I have been feeling really smart lately. I am theoretical. Lovin' it. Can't figure out what I want to take next session. Want to move forward on my professor crush. Am surpised that I have not been anxious to talk to or see Nicaraguan guy. Just having a hot body and being good at doin' it does not a new crush make apparently. I can't believe I didn't write about our, ahem, date. He invited me over for a movie. He told me I was beautiful. It was beyond cheesy. We did it and he had a very cut body. I don't want to sound foolish, but I am a little soft and poochy and zitty and didn't like being with a boy who was prettier than me. He was good in the bed, but just too polished, kind of. I like a little stink, a little hair or something. He also had the WORST lines. He called me "naughty". Are you kidding? I will only excuse it because English is his second language. He was very good about condoms. And very proud of himself in general. Not relationship material m'friends. But then who is that you do it with on the first date? Or non-date. I just went over to screw. Soooo mediocre in the end. Am I getting older? I have been flirting indiscrimanently with random african men who I have no intention of doing anything with. I hope they know that.

I need to go to sleep. This was a stupid entry. For the first time ever I am deeply irritated by xmas crap because it's so fucking cristian dominant. I'm so sick of dominant anything. It doesn't help that my landlord put the HORRIBLEST moving reindeer and some blow up snow men on the front yard. Although it makes it easier to give directions to my house.

I blew out my credit card and am going to the World Social Forum in Venezuela! I am insane and so excited. I am motivated. I am sleepy. The two mix oddly.

More soon,
la little paleta that could. and did.

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